Goosebumps story( Night in werewolf woods)
Hello everyone,
I am going to talk about a story named 'NIGHT IN WEREWOLF WOODS'. It is like a goosebumps story. Here the outline of the story.
Element-- forest, night scene, werewolf, horrible places, Moonlight night with horrible sounds.
Character -- In this story we have Mr. & Mrs. Morris, his son (Todd), Narrator (I), His parents, Narrator 's friends (laura), two weird friend and Sharkey Murfy(story teller).
Setting-- the story is designed in the forest with werewolf and magical boxes.
Plot-- the story starts with a campfire in the forest . Before reaching the campfire two weird boys snatch the todd' box and run away. Now I reached at campfire here a person, who is Sharkey Murfy. he told a story about werewolf to the narrator and his all friend in the everybody went to bed but I (narrator)am not about to sleep.I listen a horrible noise. but,I ignore first. But after that I find a letter what comes through my window. I(Narrator) read it. It was written that if you want Todd's (Pewter collection)box. Then you have to find it before tomorrow's sunshine. Now I (narrator) and todd decided to go to the woods for searching the box. Now here we meet with Laura (in horrible condition). At the first we both got frightened but after telling the whole comprehension we get understand everything. Now three of us(Narrator,Todd and Laura ) decide to search the box together.
Conflict-- Now we all are searching the box. When I dig then I found two boxes. 🎁🎁 One has smart ideas and second has a lots of manner. Suddenly I saw the werewolf coming near to us at first we run so fast. And reached at a quite place but here is so many gaints red aunt who can finish the people in a minute ... Then I decided to came back near to werewolf and decide to face them. Now I remind that I have smart box ,I opened this box and ate some fruit (O's). It is smartness fruit. I got so many ideas after eating this fruit now I am able to instant thinking. Werewolf is so near to us,it is looking so hungry. It have big red eyes,long fur, strong and long teeth. It is so horrible.
Resolution-- when the werewolf came to us then I use my mind and I throw fruits (manners 🍑) in front of them them. And weerewolf aye them and became so sincere. Now they behave like a sincere person. Now they don't want to eat the people. After than I used to break their jaw. Noe they are jawbreaker Wolf's and they will not be able to harm to the people.
The end
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